Here are the workout descriptions from our coaches! You will get a video description for EVERY "FIT" workout. Tips, strategies, rep schemes, ect... Watch the video all the way through to view every day of the week.
Sample Workouts
This is a full sample week of The Smith Bro's At Home programming. Like these workouts and want to be part of our community? Join today for another free 7 day sample :) This is the actual first week of our programming coming Oct. 4th! Get ready :)!
(Test Day)
20 Minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
*For the next 4 week Cycle we will be building a solid foundation on the simpler movements. Lower impact, higher volume. Cindy is a perfect workout challenge to start this off on. The classic CrossFit workout is as many rounds as you can get in a 20:00 window. It’s simple, anyone can do it, and if it’s done at the right intensity it’s brutal. On Mondays we like to start the week off with a low impact “just move” kind of workout and this fits right in with that as well. Don’t start too fast on this workout, it’s won on the last 10:00 not the first 10:00. Break up those push-ups early if you need to and focus on GOOD QUALITY reps. There is no need to cheat yourself. Give yourself a true test of where you’re at so we can repeat this workout in 4 weeks and crush our score! Good luck and let’s crush it this week! Going to be a fun one :)
Movement Substitutions
Pull-Ups > Double Dumbbell Row
6 Rounds For Time:
200m Run
2-4-6-8-10-12 Devil Thrusters
*20:00 Cap
2 Dumbbells: Guy/Girl RX : 50Lbs/35Lbs
Barbell: (Clean&Jerks) : 135/95Lbs
*Ladders that go up are always a challenge... today’s workout starts with a 200m run right into 3 Devil Thrusters. Into a 200m run then 6 Devil Thrusters ect... until you finish the last round at 18 Devil Thrusters. Use the run as a recovery in the later rounds to keep a good pace on those Devil Thrusters. Start at an easy pace and try to get faster as this workout progresses. Use a weight that you can maintain fast singles the entire way through. (Not too heavy, it’s a lot of reps)
Movement Substitutions
Running > Row, bike, or ski
For Time:
30 burpee Pull-Ups
90 Wall Balls
30 burpee Pull-Ups
Wall Ball: 20/14Lbs
Barbell: (thruster) 45LBS/35LBS
Our mid week chipper! Pick a pace on those burpee pull-ups you know you can hold for the entirety of the 30 reps! Get to those wall balls and break them up early on if you need to. Quick sets of 10 reps is the coaches recommendation. You want to get to those last 30 burpee pull-ups with some energy to push the pace and finish strong!
Movement Substitutions
Burpee Pull-Ups > 50 Burpees
Wall Balls > Thrusters (barbell)
2 Rounds For Time:
25 Cal Row
25 Sit-Ups
25 Hang Power Snatches
25 Sit-Ups
25 Cal Row
Rest 3:00
*20:00 Cap
Barbell: 95/65lbs
Dumbbell: 50/35
*Row your second 25 calories harder than your first 25 today! You’ve got 3:00 rest after your first round so finish both rounds STRONG! Grind through those sit-ups and then finish those power snatches in as few sets as possible! You should be able to finish 25 reps in 2-3 sets. Don’t go too heavy here! Not meant to crush you weight wise. One of our favorite ones of the week. Crush it!!
EMOM x 5 min
5 P. Cleans (touch and go) 135/95
5 DB Bench Press
Rest 1:00
EMOM x 5 min
3 P. Clean (touch and go) 185/135
5 DB Bench
Rest 1:00
EMOM x 5 min
1 P. Clean 225/175
5 DB Bench
DB Bench weight: 50/35
*Nothing like some CrossFit Bodybuilding mixed in with some weightlifting :) this was our coaches favorite one of the week. It gets tough near the end! Make sure you pick a weight that you feel comfortable with touch and go sets while you’re tired! Every minute you’re going to be doing Power Cleans AND Bench Press as prescribed above. So quick transitions are KEY in order to stay on the minute. Have your weights ready to switch out before you start your workout so you can stay on the minute! Don’t go too heavy, the reps will add up!
With a Partner For Time
Complete the following in whatever order and rep scheme as you want and split up the Reps with a partner of...
For Time:
250 Air Squats
200 Cal Row
150 Burpees
*The only rules are one partner works at a time and you split the reps up between the two of you! Get these movements done in whatever order you want to today! Ex. 20 rounds of 15 air squats, 10 cal row, 5 burpees . Or your could even just complete it as a chipper one time through! Have fun and be creative with this one today! They’re simple movements so get someone to do this one with you and let us know how it goes! Have an awesome weekend with family :) !
Movement Substitutions
Rowing > 200 Sit-Ups
Rest Day!!
*For the next month our main focus is training our Hand Stand hold. This will help you build core, upper body,
mobility, and general bodyweight strength. There will be two sessions per week that last approximately 25-35 minutes
depending on how quick you’re working through the sets. This program is beginner friendly. Whether you want to test
your free standing hand stand hold, a hand stand hold against a wall, or a plank hold, this program will work for you. If
you guys have any questions DM us or email us. There will be video descriptions for every movement you will see
Day 1
*Max Hand Stand hold! (test day)
Cat/Cow (5 seconds each position 5 times)
Seal/Puppy Dog (5 seconds each position 5 times)
Inchworms (10 Reps)
Downward Dog Single Leg Raises
(5 reps each leg 2 times)
Wrist 360s (10 circles each directions)
Wrist Ups (10 reps)
3 Sets
Hollow Body Standing Wall Hold (30 seconds)
Body Tightener (10 seconds on 10 seconds off 2 times)
3 Sets
Hollow Body Inverted Wall Hold (20 seconds)
Fish Tails (15 Reps)
1 Set
Downward Dog Single Leg Kick Ups (10 reps each leg)
Warm Up
2 Sets
Wrist Ups (10 Reps)
Box Rocks (3 Reps w 5 Sec Hold)
PVC Arch Up (20 second Hold)
2 Sets
Hollow Shift to L Position Shift to Hollow Drill (10 second hold each position)
*Rest as needed between Sets*
2 Sets
Single Leg Downward Dog Kick up w Wall (5 Attempts Each Leg - Max 5 Second Hold)
*Rest as needed between Sets*
Fit 'No Equipment' Track
These workouts are for days you are traveling, want a lower impact workout for the day, or just simply do not have the space and/or equipment to complete the regular FIT track!
3 rounds for time:
50 air squats
40 Superman rocks
30 push ups
*20:00 time cap
40- 32-24-16-8
Tricep dips
Sit ups
*after each set, 200m run
**18:00 time cap
100 jumping air squats for time:
0:00-3:00 (including minute 0:00)
EMOM 9 burpees
EMOM 6 burpees
EMOM 3 burpees
9:00 +
Finish jumping air squats
*15:00 time cap
Every 4:00 for 20:00:
400m run
20 Mountain Climbers
20 push ups
*if clock catches you, turns into AMRAP
20:00 amrap:
800m run buy in
In remaining time...
AMRAP of...
20 reverse lunges
50 up and overs
1:00 plank hold
With a partner:
Burpee broad jumps
2x jumping lunges
*you go, I go **20:00 time cap
Strength/Pump Track
• Bulgarian Split Squat
• 4 sets of 12 reps/leg (perform with a 2 second negative)
• Superset (3 sets)
• Back Squat – 8 reps moderate
• Wall Sit – 30 seconds
• Superset (3 sets)
• Dumbbell Bench Press – 10 reps
• Bar Dips – 8-12 reps (substitute tricep pushups)
• Dumbbell Squeeze Press
• 3 sets of 15 reps
• Strict Pullups – 4 sets of 8-12 (add weight if able)
• Superset (3 sets)
• Romanian Deadlift – 8 reps light/moderate
• Seated Row – 16 reps
o Use anything you can here – cable machine, bands, pulley, rope attached to a sled
(you’ll have to scoot back each rep)
• Rest Day
• Strict Press
• Work up to a heavy set of 5
• Drop to 60% and perform 3 sets of max reps (1 minute rest between)
• Superset (4 sets)
• Dumbbell Side Raises – 12 reps
• Banded High Pull – 25 reps (light band or dumbbells)
• Superset (3 sets)
• Barbell Bicep Curl – 10 reps with a 3 second negative
• Single Arm Tricep Kickback – 10 reps/arm
• Superset (3 sets)
• Single Arm DB Curl – 10 reps/arm (good squeeze at the top!)
• Dumbbell Skull Crushers – 10 reps
Endurance Track
With our endurance track you will receive three workouts a week. This is the only track where you will
see workouts over 20 minutes. We understand a lot of members will not have the time to complete
these. These are here for those of you with the extra time, or if you want to substitute one of your FIT
workouts of the day it is a good option as well! We will be focusing our training on either a mile time
trial OR a 2k time trial on a machine of your choosing for the next 8 weeks. MOST workouts will be in TIME intervals so you
can adjust to whatever movement you would like to train. You will get 3 endurance workouts a week.
1) Easy intensity (longer distance)
2) moderate intensity (medium distance)
3) High intensity (short distance)
(Medium Intensity)
2 Rounds
7 Min Moderate Run
Rest 1:00
3 Min Moderate run (quicker tempo)
Rest 2:00
(High Intensity)
5 rounds
1:00 On
1:00 Off
Rest 5:00
*Use the first few rounds to find your pace and then slowly build up to a faster pace each minute after
(Easy Intensity)
30-45 Min Easy pace
*just stay moving today! If you’re on a machine focus on staying within 22 seconds of your 2k/500 m
pace at a slower stroke rate! If you’re running just don’t stop moving your feet, don’t worry about your
For the next 4 week cycle we will be focusing on two tests. Max Sit-Ups
in 2:00 and 100 V-Ups For Time. If you are unable to complete a V-Up, a tuck
crunch will be the scale. Make it a goal of yours to be able to complete a V-Up by
the end of this cycle if you are unable to complete them now! You get 6 "Core" workouts / week
2:00 Max Sit-Ups
*today is your baseline test day for 2:00 Max Sit-Ups. Feel free to attempt GHD
sit-ups if you have the equipment to do so. Give it your best shot, we will retest
again in 8 weeks!
100 V-Ups For Time
*10:00 Cap
*today is your test for 100 V-Ups for time. Scale to tuck crunches if necessary.
Make it a goal to be able to complete a V-Up by the end of our 8 week cycle if
you can’t right now!
Ascending ladder of Russian twists and toe touch
Russian twist (each side)
Toe touch
Every 3:00x3 rounds
1:00 Plank Hold (or max if 1:00 cannot be accomplished)
25 sit-ups
*complete a minute plank hold and 25 sit-ups in the 3:00 window. Rest for
remainder of the 3:00. Repeat two more times for a total of 3 rounds!
4 rounds for quality
:30 right side plank
:30 left side plank
:30 hollow rocks
Rest as needed
* Keep a good position! No need to cheat yourself here...
For Time:
Toe Touch
*End the week off on a burner :) Get after it!